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AGM/November Program

AGM/ New Perspectives for Forgotten Buildings

Please Note: The first part of the meeting will be the LHS AGM which begins at 7:00 pm. The presenter after the AGM portion will be Beth Songer and her topic is New Perspectives for Forgotten Buildings. The presentation part of the evening is open to the public via Zoom and will start at 7:30 pm. We respectfully ask for the general public to join the Zoom presentation at this point.

As a company grows, it can't just let out the seams or adjust the waistband of the building they call home. The strong and defining walls may become an impediment to change.
When you outgrow a building, you can't just leave it in the alley and hope someone will pick it up. Buildings have roots and are hard to throw away. So, what's to become of them?
Some buildings are designed to meet specific needs; churches have altars, banks have vaults, restaurants have large kitchens. Taking advantage of the stability of the construction, or the aptness of the location, a new owner with an open mind might see these fixed elements as opportunities to serve a new purpose.
We call this Adaptive Reuse, and many examples exist in Lethbridge

Elizabeth Songer is a local architect who recently renovated the Yates. She began her career restoring 200 year old houses and barns where she found a love for historic buildings, their details and their stories. She is a Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.

Jordan Stearne is an Intern Architect with FWBA Architects and is currently working toward becoming a Registered Architect. Jordan has a Bachelor's degree in Urban Studies and a Master's degree in Architecture and is presently working on the new Waterton Visitor Centre.

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